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Why WordPress - examples of

Why WordPress?

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

By BloggerKhan

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WordPress is the content management system (CMS) millions of websites rely on when creating and promoting their content online. It is the largest self-hosted website creation tool. As an entirely open source project, WordPress supports a wide array of themes, plugins and customization options. A little bit of coding will take you a long way towards having the site you want. The possibilities are endless.

Here are its 10 best features:

  1. Open source with room for expansion

WordPress can be self-hosted at no cost. Plus, there are thousands of free plugins that improve functionality and help develop and publish content in an efficient way. There are plugins for anything from SEO, contact forms, analytics, to social media etc.

  1. Customizable

As an open source project, WordPress allows developers to create and modify based on their preference. A little bit of coding can improve functionality tenfold.

  1. User friendly for everyone

It was initially developed for bloggers who do not know a lot about technology. Despite its huge increase in popularity, it is still user-friendly for both developers and bloggers.

Why WordPress

Why WordPress

  1. Low cost

The setup and customization costs for WordPress are lower compared to other open source CMS. And it is a lot easier to find developers and designers for WordPress than other CMS.

  1. SEO friendly

The design itself is SEO friendly, but you can go one step further by using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.

  1. Easy to manage

You can update your plugins and themes from your admin dashboard. You also get notified whenever there is a newer version of WordPress available so that you can update with just a few clicks.

  1. Multimedia

You are not limited to text only. You can have multimedia rich content on your site without a problem. It can handle images, audios, videos, documents and files. And you can even allow embedding your favorite websites.

  1. Mobile Ready

It is super easy to connect with the audience on mobile devices. It is as simple as choosing a good responsive theme. Do not let customers turn elsewhere because of slow loading on their smartphones or tablets.

  1. Safe & Secure

The community of developers constantly reviews the security of the system and removes any security threats. And, you guessed it, there are also many security plugins.

  1. Social media integration

A good social media plugin can turn WordPress into your hub for all social media platforms. You can gain traffic, exposure for your business and engage with customers.

Possibly the biggest perk is the blogging functionality. Even the code illiterate individuals can easily start and maintain a blog by tweaking things around in their theme and adding content. However, if you are looking for a more complex website, consider contacting a developer.

Would you like to see examples of good WordPress websites? Interloper Inc. has put together a page about that. Here’s the link: http://interloperinc.com/examples-of-good-wordpress-websites. As you can see, they range from online stores to educational, fitness sites and blogs. WordPress is easy and flexible enough for just about any kind of website and a good web developer can tailor it to your specific needs.

We hope this article was helpful. Good luck!

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