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Welcome to my blog

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if you can build a financial model around it. Well my passion is marketing and ever since the commercialization of the internet, I have been fascinated by the way the internet enables a small business extend its reach and do business with customers across the globe. It’s incredible how a guy in Dallas Texas can do business with a client in Johannesburg South Africa and guy in Peshawar Pakistan can do business with a client in Melbourne Australia. Think about it. Just a few decades ago it was impossible unless you were a multi billion dollar multi national.

About outsourcing, freelancing, ecommerce, web development for small businesses

Sharing knowledge helps us all

While the internet has opened up new avenues previously unimaginable, it also opened up your previously protected local markets to competition from foreign lands. You got to be sharp, you got to be up to par and you got to figure out where your advantage lies.

Over the last few years, my focus has been leveraging lower cost I.T. resources in Asia and Africa for the benefit of small businesses in North America, Europe and Australia. There is a large pool of well educated and trained workforce in Asia and also growing in Africa. They need jobs and the local markets are not big enough to sustain them. In the developed countries, a very large number of people have given up corporate jobs to open up their own small businesses. A significant percentage of these small businesses cannot afford to build websites and even when they do, it’s hard for them to keep updating them to keep pace with changing technologies. That puts them at a disadvantage and they keep losing local market share without having the ability to reach over and grab some long distance market share. That’s where outsourcing can come to their rescue.

Outsourcing has been around for more than 30 years but it has been primarily the domain of large and mid sized companies. The small guy does not have the know how or the volume of business to take advantage of outsourcing. That’s where I thought our opportunity was, that is, in being the bridge between resources in Asia and Africa and small businesses in North America, Europe and other developed countries.

As I have a foot in both worlds, I like to write about subjects that I go through on a daily basis from the client’s perspective and from the outsourcer’s / freelancer’s perspective. If we can help you in some way with software and web related services, feel free to contact our Outsourcing Unit.

In my writings, I cover subjects such as ecommerce, business strategy, methods, technology, reviews and comparisons of products and services.

I hope you find the material useful and wherever you feel you can contribute your knowledge, enter your comments and let others benefit from your experience. This is how we all grow collectively.

Thank You for visiting.

Najeeullah K. Babar

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