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Resources for small business


Web Hosting:

  1. Light use starter sites – Shared hosting
  2. Heavy Duty sites – VPS hosting
  3. Pro Site – Dedicated Servers

Auto Responders:

  1. GetResponse. Excellent support, sound deliverability.
  2. Aweber – Same class as GetResponse
  3. MailChimp – cheaper for beginners
  4. ARP – self hosted solution

Web Conferencing / Webinar platform:

  1. Meetcheap:
    Great value as a web conferencing and webinar solutions provider.
  2. Goto Meeting
  3. WebEx

Useful Links:

  1. List of Press Release sites
  2. SEO Essentials

Short Publications/Reports:

  1. SEO Essentials:
    Helps you get the basics of on-page and off-page SEO to promote your website on search engines
  2. How to write a Press Release
    Helps you learn how to send out press releases – one of the most effective but underutilized marketing resource


  1. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions
    For those in the business of sales and marketing. Gives you an insight into human behavior.
  2. Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day
    A slower read but covers social media in depth.
  3. The Ultimate Sales Letter: Attract New Customers:
    Helps you write better copy for your sales letters and web site landing pages.
  4. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
    Takes you into the human mind and how we are programmed to respond to various situations. All marketers must read this book.
  5. The Power of Positive Thinking:
    No matter what your profession is, you need to read this classic. Uplifts your spirit and makes you a believer in yourself.
  6. The Most Successful Small Business in The World: The Ten Principles
    Changes your thought process from being the owner of a small business that generates your income to a small business that can grow exponentially.

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