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How to check if my website is responsive

Should I have a Responsive website?

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

By BloggerKhan

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Should I have a responsive website; how shall I make my website mobile friendly,

Many people ask this question especially those who have had a website for many years. Things change, trends change and most of the websites that were built like more than three years ago or four years ago are not mobile-responsive. That means they are built for computer screens so they look good when you are watching, or viewing or browsing that website on a computer.

Over the last three to five years, screens have changed and most desktops and laptops now have wider screens instead of the traditional square screen. So those websites that were designed in that era don’t look good on a wide screen.

But what has really changed is how peoples’ browsing habits have changed. Now, a lot of people browse and conduct business using their mobile phones or tablets.

What is a responsive website? A responsive website is coded differently. On a computer screen it looks the same as any other website but the code is such that it auto adjusts to a wide screen on a computer, it auto adjust to a tablet and to a mobile phone. The menus break down, the screen flows vertically because it is easier for more people to browse, scroll up and down on a mobile device especially on phones.

There are tons of statistics available now that more than 40% of the people browse the web using their mobile phones. So yes, your website should be responsive in this day and age.

What should you do if your website is not responsive? Contact web development companies like our InterloperInc and they will take care of it.

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