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Retail Stores: How to build your customer list

Retail Stores: How to build your customer list?

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

By BloggerKhan

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Retail Stores are notorious for not doing enough to encourage repeat business. They don’t have a mechanism in place to keep in touch with customers. Wisen up. You need to have a mailing list and these tips will help you grow your list.

  1. Link an auto responder or a CRM or both to your website.
  2. Include a flyer in every bag that gives your URL and encourage people to sign up for your newsletter to qualify for a monthly give away.
  3. Place a computer or two with appropriate signage in your store encouraging people to sign up for your newsletter to qualify for a monthly give away.
  4. Advertise in your store and on your website email only specials. Make sure you honor that and don’t offer that discount to anyone not on the list.
  5. In every email, encourage people to share that email and ask their friends to sign up to get the email only discounts.

Good Luck!


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