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How to write a press release

How to write a Press Release

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

By BloggerKhan

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Learn how to write a press release – it’s easy. Drive traffic to your business – it pays.


Good to see you showing an interest in ‘How to write a Press Release’. You obviously realize there is a way to get your word out without paying for it.

Savvy professional marketers have always known the impact of press releases and have been using them to the advantage of their employers and clients. We have been using them in our business for over 20 years now. Before the internet was available as a commercial medium, we would focus on the general news media as well as trade publications. Once we figured it out, we started using it so effectively that we were getting more press coverage than competitors who were 20 times larger than us. That meant we were getting promotional exposure worth tens of thousands of dollars – for FREE. Press Releases have been good for our business and they can be good for your business too.

Don’t you wish you could get the coverage that big business gets? You can and you can learn how to in less than a day.

When the internet got commercialized, we adapted our press releases accordingly. We used to have one press release format, now we have two press release formats. We were getting traffic from the print media then. Now we target both print, online media, search engines and yes we target the user directly – all through press releases. That does not mean we only use press releases – no – that means press releases are an integral part of our marketing campaigns.

After the economic meltdown of 2008, a lot of people became unemployed. Many could not find jobs so they became self employed and naturally took to the internet as a means of soliciting business. The majority of these hardworking self employed people are not professional marketers and end up gravitating towards whatever the latest buzz is. They spend a lot of money buying expensive courses and that is all fine and dandy but they end up missing on some great fundamental tools that have worked in the past and continue to work today in the world of the internet and new media.

Just setting up a website does you no good. You have to drive traffic to it. Traffic does not just show up by itself. You have to drive it to your website. How do you do it? There are a whole range of things you can do but one of the best methods is to send out a press release.

Many people think sending out press releases must be a complex job costing them $1,000s of dollars. That cannot be farther from the truth. It does not cost anything.

A conventional press release reaches the end user / reader via the editor who acts as a gatekeeper and filters which press releases are worthy of publishing and which are not. If you use the right press release format, write the way they want it, you have a very good chance of getting published as a news story. A press release getting published as a news story has far more weight than an advertisement. That is why some Ads try to mimic a news story and mention in small print ‘paid advertisement’. It’s worth it and they know it.

A reasonably internet savvy person creates his own news streams by subscribing to various feeds and getting them on his news reader. He can also set alerts that notify him when news are available in his area of interest. He decides what to read and when to read and does not want any editor to decide that for him. Your job is to present him information via feeds and reach him directly.

Search Engines have opened up a whole new world. What is the search engine trying to do? It is trying to please the user so he will keep coming back to it whenever he has something on his mind. The more often the user visits, the more Ads the search engine can serve him and the more money it makes.

Don’t you feel like you are being used no matter what the technology. Yep. That’s how it is. However; this time you are on the other side. You are inviting the search engine to use you so you can use it to reach the end user. Ironic? Maybe. The search engine is trying to crawl fresh content so it can please it’s user. You feed it fresh content via Press Release sites. Why not feed it directly? You do – by letting the search engine index our pages – but the search engine views a Press Release Distribution site as a more likely source for fresh content and crawls it several times a day. Besides, Google gives a Press Release Distribution site more weightage or a higher page rank. That means a page originating from a PR site will carry greater weight. Quite often you will see your press release via a PR site show up high on searches with your own page nowhere in site.

A link or URL originating from a PR site carries greater weight. If your press release got published in 20 PR sites, those are 20 high ranking links pointing to your website. That is invaluable as the more links from high ranking sites pointing to your site raises the page rank of your site. When your site’s page rank goes up, you start showing up higher on relevant searches.how to write a press release, press release format,free press release,60500012,

Let’s recap. By sending out press releases, you get traffic from:

  1. Press Releases that show up in Google Alerts and RSS feeds directly on the readers desktop.
  2. Press Releases that get printed as news stories in conventional newspapers, journals and trade publications.
  3. Press Releases that show up in searches.
  4. Your own site showing up higher in searches.


What are your options:

  1. Forget about it and not write any press releases and give up on the massive traffic that can be yours – for Free.
  2. Let somebody else write and submit them for you. A very good option. Will cost you a little bit but you will get the traffic.
  3. Learn how to write yourself. Spend half a day learning and reap the rewards for ever and ever. Not only will you start siphoning off traffic from search engines, it will improve what you write and how you write for your other marketing material and web pages.

Many savvy merchants put on a sale on just about any kind of excuse. Mothers day, Father’s day, Memorial day and so on… If they can’t find a reason, they end up calling it Customer Appreciation Day. Boy I like to be appreciated one day a year. We on the other hand keep finding excuses to send out press releases. Why? We just love the traffic it generates.

Hard working people like you need to learn this skill that keeps on giving.

Whether you want to write a press release for conventional media or for search engines, the basic objective is the same and the structure is the same. You have a story to tell and you want to reach the end user, the customer, the reader.

Order now and prepare yourself for traffic.

What’s your investment? Just $19.99
For a limited time, I am offering it to my readers for just $9.99.

                    Satisfaction Guaranteed!

I would love to hear back from you in the comments below. Learn, write and send out press releases. Then let me know how your results were. If for any reason you don’t like the eBook, let me know within 30 days and you can have your money back. No questions asked.

Not only will you love it, you will encourage your friends to order one too. For the cost of a hearty meal, you can start an endless stream of traffic. You can’t beat that.

This may be one of the best investments you’ll ever make with absolutely nothing to lose.

Learn once – get rewarded over and over. It’s a skill that keeps on giving.

Order now and join a very select group of people who know how to

  • Reach both conventional and new media
  • Reach the reader directly
  • Siphon traffic from search engines
  • Improve your site SERPs

This can be your secret weapon for traffic.

Whether you want to write a press release for a new business, a book, a new product, a website, an event, a band, charity or politics, you will benefit from Press Releases.

Sounds incredible? Yes it is. There is nothing like free traffic.

Learn and prosper – Spread the word!

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