By BloggerKhan
Posted in General Business & Technology | Tags : benefits of press releases, how to write a press release, optimize press release
- Focus on a search phrase that you want to be searched on. Example: “Upload Products in bulk to eBay”
- Mention your search phrase higher and often as your press release unfolds.
- Title
- Summary
- Body
- 1st para
- Provide link to your website / page. Use link shortners if the site allows that for better metrics later.
- If you upload Press Releases to your own website also, link the Press Release to a couple of your inner pages.
- You can upload a different version to your own website than what you send to distribution. Make sure you use relevant meta data, tags and excerpts.
- Repurpose the content as a blog post, social posts, the social post may direct to the press release.
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