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Tag Archives | how to write a press release

Optimize Your Press Release for search engines

Optimize Your Press Release for search engines

Savvy professional marketers have always known the impact of press releases and have been using them to the advantage of their employers and clients. We have been using them in our business for over 20 years now. Here are a few tips to help you optimize your press release for search engines.

Tips to write a Great Press Release

12 Tips to write a Great Press Release

Press Releases can be used as a strong marketing tool that can promote your business and grow your customer base. They are a formal written communication that reports an event, product launch, personnel move or any other relevant information. Learn how to write press releases and you will benefit forever.

What not to do in a press release

What not to do in a press release

I am a firm believer in sending out press releases every time you have something worthwhile to say about your company, product or service. Having said that, I would advise you to spend some time on your press release before you press the send button. Here is my list of what not to do in […]

How to write a press release

How to write a Press Release

Do you know how to write a press release? Why not? It’s easy and very very effective in giving you free publicity. It drives both organic traffic to your website and improves your SEO rankings. Let’s find out more…

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