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Russell Brunson’s course or Lee McIntyre’s – which one is better

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

By BloggerKhan

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Russell Brunson has an internet marketing course called DotComSecrets while Lee McIntyre has a course called ‘Internet Lifestyle‘. Both courses are targeted towards those who know a little bit about internet marketing but haven’t had much success yet. If you are thinking about taking a course but are not sure which one maybe right for you, think about your time frame and objectives.

If you are not in a mad rush but want to actively learn internet marketing, then DotComSecrets maybe the better course for you. It is on a monthly subscription basis and every month, you focus on an area of interest. For example, in the first month, they teach building a mailing list via advertising on SafeLists. The course goes in depth on the subject of the month so in the first month, it teaches you who the major auto responder providers are, how to set up an auto responder, where to get web hosting, how to set up a lead capture page, who are the providers of mailing lists and how to place advertisements on other peoples mailing lists. In the next month, they pick up another subject like let’s say SEO and they tackle that in depth.

All training material is through videos and transcripts with weekly webinars to help you along the way.

Lee McIntyre’s Internet Lifestyle course by itself is a big picture course that gives you a very good understanding of what is possible and what needs to be done to achieve it. Then you may purchase additional courses to help you get going in specific areas. You don’t have to wait a month for a topic/course to end before taking on an additional course/subject. You learn at your own pace.

If you are in a bit of a hurry and would prefer an accelerated schedule, then Lee McIntyre’s courses might be the right ones for you.

All training material is through videos with periodical webinars to help you along the way.

Bottom line: Both are very good courses conducted by very capable individuals. The deciding factor should be your time frame. If you want to learn at a steady but slow pace, then DotComSecrets is the route to take. If you have the time and want to pursue a more aggressive learning schedule, then consider Internet Lifestyle.

If you are an absolute newbie, then I would not suggest either of the above two. I would suggest you join the GVO HTP plan as that gives you a web hosting account + the basic marketing tools like web conferencing, auto responders, video maker etc. In addition, they have daily live classes that help you set up your website / blog, hold a web conference or setup your auto responders.

Good Luck!

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