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Running a business in a recession and gardening

Of gardening and running a business in a recession

There are many things over which us humans have no control just like droughts and abundance of rain or a recession and periods of strong growth. We have to be flexible enough and sensible enough to change our plans and our approach when extraneous circumstances demand it.

Chinese Worker

How to compete against Chinese sellers

You cannot compete on price against a competitor who has deeper pockets. You also cannot compete against a person/company who also happens to be your supplier or the manufacturer. His cost will always be less than yours.

Supply and Demand

The fallacy of supply & demand

Here is another topic that I want to share with you from the book ‘Predictably Irrational‘ by Dan Ariely. Some of the examples are mine and the errors if any are all mine. The fallacy of supply & demand: Conventional economics would like us to believe that human beings are rational and where supply and […]

Relativity of Price

Relativity of price as explained in Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

I thoroughly enjoyed Dan Ariely’s behavioral economics book ‘Predictably Irrational‘ and would like to share some points with you. What I liked was the experiments he conducted in collaboration with other researchers to arrive at empirical results, rather than just hunch and intuition. At times, all an experiment proves is what you already know but […]

The reach of the internet

The amazing reach of the internet

We have been strictly an e-commerce company since 1996 but it never ceases to amaze me how far and wide the reach of the internet is. Look at the graph below. It only lists the top 10 traffic originating countries but they are spread over four continents. Think about all the opportunities we have today. […]

Best Permalink structure for SEO

Best Permalink Structure for SEO

What is the best permalink structure for SEO using WordPress. This short video will help you understand what I use and why I think it works best for SEO, that is, works best for getting indexed higher in search engines and also your permalinks make your URL look good to users – they have to click on it after all. The more relevant you look like to the search engines and users alike, the more your chances of getting traffic. Sign up for our newsletter at http://bloggerkhan.com

The power of vulnerability

The Power of Vulnerability

Brene Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.

Why use bit.ly

Why use bit.ly link shortener

Why use bit.ly for link shortening. Great tool for shortening links and for tracking links. Watch the short video and feel free to leave your comments below.

How Google instant search affects your SEO

How Google instant search affects SEO

http://bloggerkhan.com How Google instant search affects SEO – As an internet marketer, what are the effects of google instant search on your SEO efforts. Does it lower your google rankings or raises it. Learn how Google instant search effects your free internet traffic. how google instant will impact seo. the pros and cons of google instant search feature. is google instant search good for seo.

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