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Tips on writing more effective Press Releases

Tips on writing more effective Press Releases

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

By BloggerKhan

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I continue to evangelize the effectiveness of Press Releases and I am glad some of you are taking that to heart and sending out Press Releases. Let me give you a few pointers on how to write more effective Press Releases.

  1. The Subject or Title line:
    Make it interesting and it should explain the subject in 5 to 6 words. Challenging? Yes it is. Remember the editorial staff at a media outlet is going through hundreds of press releases a day and your first job is to attract their attention. If it does, he may open and read the rest of the press release or at least the first paragraph.
  2. Your first paragraph should be no more than 5 sentences and the very first 2 sentences should be able to pique enough interest to read the rest. Remember the editor is barely going to spend a second or two and move on.
  3. The subsequent paragraphs should unfold the rest of the story and expand on and justify the first paragraph.
  4. In larger media outlets, there may be several members on the editorial staff, each handling a certain area. If that outlet is important to you, call them or research their website to see which editor is more relevant to you and then send him your press release.
  5. Don’t forget the free online press release submission sites. They may not get you on an editors desk but they get indexed by search engines and will drive traffic to your website.

How to write a press release

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