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Why should a business have a blog

Why your business should have a blog

By BloggerKhan

My profession is Management and Marketing and it revolves around outsourcing, ecommerce and marketing on the internet. Wise men say identify what you are passionate about and then see if ...

By BloggerKhan

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Blogs are becoming trendier and trendier. New blogs are created constantly. According to Worldometers, over 2 million blog posts are published every day. A significant number of these are business related. Have you joined this trend? Have you thought of the possibilities it may offer you?

Blogs have enormous potential. Adding a blog to your business website is one of the best decisions you are ever going to make. Not only will it improve your ranking in the search engines, but also drive more traffic to your website and give you more customers. And these will not be the only benefits for your business. Here is a list of 7 major reasons why your business should have a blog:

  1. Search engines will love you

Every website has a few static pages, pages with fixed content through time. Search engines are not fans of these. How do you improve your ranking without spending a lot of money? It is fairly simple. Just add a blog to your site. A frequently updated blog will make your business appear in search results more often.

  1. More visitors on your website

Frequently publishing Interesting blog posts will lead more visitors to your website. More website traffic means more business.

  1. Opportunity to engage your customers

Your blog can give your marketing effort a whole different meaning. For example, you can ask your customers to write their user experience and then feature it on your blog. Organize it as a contest and ask your followers to vote on the best post. Give the winner a free monthly subscription to your products or services and the opportunity to be your guest blogger. Not only will you drive traffic to your site, but you will give your customers incentive to keep coming back to check what is new. They will get to know your brand better and feel more connected to it.

  1. Build up anticipation for your new products and services

Your blog is the place where you can share your news. Are you adding a whole new range of products? Announce it on the blog, make people vote on what they would like to see next. They will feel like a part of the team, engage even more and you have successfully built up their anticipation.

  1. A place for your customers to give feedback

An intriguing blog entry will encourage your customers to comment and give their opinion. Pay close attention to your comment section and you will learn a lot about who uses your products and services.

  1. All social media accounts are only a click away

Blogs are very social media friendly. Add that little share button to every blog post and encourage your audience to share away. Connecting and sharing with your customers has never been easier.

  1. Blog analytics

Last but not least, you get an insight of your audience. Blog analytics are powerful marketing tools. User demographics, location, posts they spend a lot of time on, repeat visits, blogs are full of useful data. You just need to know what to do with it.

If you are still not convinced just take a look around. A quick internet search will show you that most businesses today have a blog and many testify to the fact that it has been a huge help for their sales. So, what are you waiting for? Start your blog today. If you don’t have the time to learn the how to of blogging, contact Interloper Inc and they’ll get you up and running in no time.

Happy Blogging!

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