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How to improve your Linkedin Engagement

Your profile on Linkedin and your company pages on Linkedin can be put to good use to help people understand what you do and if there is common ground for both of you to further explore. Once you understand this, your strategy changes from generating traffic to your website to generating more profile views and more people requesting to connect with you and joining your group(s).

This video will help you improve your Linkedin engagement, generate more profile views, and grow your Group.

Social Media and PR - PB&J Sandwich

Social Media and PR – Like PB&J Sandwich

Social media and PR should go hand in hand if they are to bring optimal results for your business. Experts have proven that this strategy will boost visibility tenfold. Just like a PB&J sandwich, you can eat the bread with only butter or only jam, but combined together, they make the delicious sandwich we all adore. Read on …

Social Media as a Main Marketing Tool

Social Media as a Main Marketing Tool

The changes in Google’s search algorithms have put paid ads on top of the search results right in the middle of the page. No matter how hard you try at ranking higher in organic searches for your business and popular keywords, the top spots will be taken by those with big bucks to advertise. This has forced businesses to look for alternatives and they …

How to find a good social media manager

How to find a good Social Media Manager

You may already be convinced that your business needs a social media manager but how and where do you find a good social media manager. That’s not easy. You can go with a company that manages social media for clients or you can hire individual freelancers. But how and where do you find such people. Read on…

Izea doesn't get it

Izea just doesn’t get it

It baffles me that Izea, a brokerage in the world of social media advertising would treat it’s Sponsored Tweets unit like a step child. First, it has done a pathetic job of generating enough interest amongst advertisers to place Ads with their publishers. We have several accounts with them and at best Sponsored Tweets has […]

Should I have multiple twitter accounts

Should you have Two Twitter Accounts?

Twitter is a very young organization with a very potent communication product that is free to use. So? That means marketers will try their best to exploit it to their advantage. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact that is what marketers are supposed to do. So what’s the problem?

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