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Tag Archives | outsource

When to hire vs when to outsource

When to Hire and when to Outsource

This is what a lot of small businesses struggle with. Their initial inclination is to do everything themselves. Then when they have a little money, they like to hire full time employees. It’s their natural inclination and they keep an eye on everything the employee does. Sooner or later they ….

Why should I outsource web development

Why should I outsource my web development

You can have a full-time developer if you can justify the cost. If you are a big company, you will not only have one but multiples, and you can justify it but if you are a small business, are you sure you can justify a full-time web-developer? If you can, nothing like it, go for it. But if you cannot, then what do you do? Should you outsource web development or learn how to do it yourself? …

How to find a good translator

How to find a good translator

You think you may have a good market for your book in Punjabi or your website translated into Arabic. You don’t know either of these languages. What do you do? Should you search on Google or one of those freelancing portals? How do I about it? This article will help you get started in the right direction …

5 ways to boost profitability

5 Ways to Boost Profitability

No matter how much a business generates in sales, if at the end of the day it is not generating a profit, all those sales don’t matter at all. Profit is what matters now and profit is what allows you to grow and expand your business in the future.
Let’s look at five ways to boost profitability…

What can you outsource? A lot

When you get stuck – Outsource

Time and again you hit the wall. You get stuck. You know the subject but can’t make yourself do it. That is when outsourcing becomes such a life saver. I share my experiences …

What and how to outsource

Why and How to outsource contract work to freelancers

Have you ever hired freelancers? I have and continue to. Hiring freelancers help small businesses stretch their dollar and get work done which they otherwise could not afford to get done. Outsourcing work to freelancers helps you get more work done at a lower cost. Read on …

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