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Archive | April, 2017

Web Developer for Charities

Web Developer for Charities

Looking for web developers for your charity’s website? Before you hire one, here are some points to discuss with your web developer. The objectives of a charitable / non-profit organization’s website are a bit different than a commercial organization. …

Ideas #sidehustle

What’s your idea of a #sidehustle – let me share some pointers.

Many people are looking for a sidehustle and yes it makes sense to generate a little extra income whenever you have some time. It doesn’t have to be a lot but even if it makes up for a car payment, that could be enough. The problem is everyone cannot be an Uber driver so what else is out there..

How to quickly setup an online store

How to quickly setup an online store

Ecommerce is booming. Every day there are new online success stories. You have started salivating. Before you jump in, read up a little on how to quickly setup an online shop…

The future of SaaS

The Future of SaaS

Are you using SaaS products? You may be and not aware of it as so many software companies have evolved to a SaaS model. What is the future of SaaS? How will it be 10 to 15 years from now? …

When to hire vs when to outsource

When to Hire and when to Outsource

This is what a lot of small businesses struggle with. Their initial inclination is to do everything themselves. Then when they have a little money, they like to hire full time employees. It’s their natural inclination and they keep an eye on everything the employee does. Sooner or later they ….

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