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Archive | May, 2011

Testing golf clubs

Oh the joys of testing golf clubs

Around this time of year, we test golf clubs and then post the reviews on our website. Being an e-commerce company, our customers don’t get to physically hold and feel the clubs so we try to do a good job of explaining the clubs. Doing a comparative analysis also helps customers understand which club performs […]

The reach of the internet

The amazing reach of the internet

We have been strictly an e-commerce company since 1996 but it never ceases to amaze me how far and wide the reach of the internet is. Look at the graph below. It only lists the top 10 traffic originating countries but they are spread over four continents. Think about all the opportunities we have today. […]

Izea doesn't get it

Izea just doesn’t get it

It baffles me that Izea, a brokerage in the world of social media advertising would treat it’s Sponsored Tweets unit like a step child. First, it has done a pathetic job of generating enough interest amongst advertisers to place Ads with their publishers. We have several accounts with them and at best Sponsored Tweets has […]

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