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Archive | November, 2016

Best Gift Box for employees

Best small gifts as Employee Rewards

Are you a company considering the possibility of introducing employee rewards? What to give, what is right, what is over the top, what is too little? You have heard of good practices elsewhere but they seem to cost a lot of money? We may have a few good suggestion for you.

WordPress Ecommerce plugins

e-Commerce Plugins for WordPress

WordPress started off as a blogging platform but has evolved over time and has become the primary platform for small ecommerce stores worldwide. There are several plugins for WordPress ecommerce and in this article we review them. Hopefully they will help you select a plugin that suits you for your online store.

Best Editors for WordPress

Best Editors For WordPress Online and Offline

Everyone uses WordPress but not everyone is satisfied with the default WordPress editor. Are there third party options available? Yes. This article examines several editors, both online and offline editors. See which one suits your work.

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