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Archive | October, 2009

The 10,000 hour rule

The 10,000 hours rule

Malcolm Gladwell in his bestseller Outliers mentions that people whom we think of as lucky or just gifted actually put in the hours necessary to be great. It helps to be in the right place at the right time but what made them uber successful and stand out were the number of hours they had […]

Should I have multiple twitter accounts

Should you have Two Twitter Accounts?

Twitter is a very young organization with a very potent communication product that is free to use. So? That means marketers will try their best to exploit it to their advantage. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact that is what marketers are supposed to do. So what’s the problem?


Twitter – friend or foe

You can’t live with Twitter, you can’t live without. While Twitter is a very potent communication medium, organizationally, it is a chaotic company. Quite often it seems the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is up to. Most perplexing is Twitter’s indiscriminate suspension of accounts. You will have a long standing account with […]

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